Whale Watching
Whales can be seen jumping out of the water from the shoreline, but the best experience is to contact a local fisherman or a friend to have a close-up look and photo opportunity.
Iceberg Watching
From June through August thousand year old icebergs travel the Strait of Belle Isle, also referred to as the "Iceberg Alley".

Bird Watching
Blanc-Sablon has many species of birds, the most popular being the Puffin. In fact, the Île aux Perroquets Migratory Bird Sanctuary boasts one of the largest Atlantic Puffin colonies in Quebec, which is home to over 20,000 puffins.
Brador Falls
Northwest of the village along Route 138, a short wooden staircase leads to a belvedere overlooking tumultuous Bradore Falls.
Île aux Perroquets Look-out
A highlight of the Wanda Beaudoin Trail, the Île aux Perroquets (Perroquet Island) look-out is located one kilometer east of Brador. Follow the signs to pull off route 138 and take a short walk to Pointe à la Barque. The look-out area provides interpretation panels, sitting areas, and telescope for close viewing of the seabirds.
Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Shrine
Located on the hill in Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon you will see the wooden statue of the Madonna, carved in France and erected in 1916. From here, you will be able to appreciate a wonderful view of the surrounding area.
Greenly Island
In 1928, the Bremen (Junkers W33 aircraft) made an emergency landing on Greenly Island. The crew was attempting the first trans-Atlantic flight from Europe to North America when they ran into violent weather.
Monseigneur Scheffer Museum
A museum in memory of His Excellency Bishop Lionel Scheffer, O.M.I. Vicar Apostolic of Labrador. Bishop Lionel Scheffer, O.M.I., worked tirelessly to further the social and economic development of this vast diocese.
Mont Parent Astragale Hiking Trail
Located on Mont Parent Hill between the communities of Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon and Blanc-Sablon, this hiking trail was built to protect the Fernald's Milk-vetch, a rare plant that is a member of the pea family. A series of interpretation panels provide information on the geology, botany, and history.
Île au Bois
Located three kilometers south of the community of Blanc-Sablon. History say that French explorer Jacques Cartier referred to this island as Idle de Bouays on his first voyage to North America in 1534. The French had installations on this island as early as the 18th century. Once can still find the circular stone ruins of rooms used for piling codfish overnight.
Tourist Welcome Centre
Open in summer. Bilingual staff will be very pleased to provide you with information and guides on the Blanc Sablon and Lower North Shore regions, including maps and details on trails, educational exhibits, artifacts, displays and local places of interest. Information on both regions is also visible at the center through a collection of photos, film and a multimedia display.